- 2016年03月06日
- 歴史/History
◇◆美濃での思い出◆◇ ~一部アーティストより~
Thu Kim Vu(Vietnam)
When I came to Mino, I knew that I have landed into a ” gold mine” . I have always been interested in the art of Washi and this residency has given me a great opportunity to really live the culture of the region and learning the art of Mino washi. I used to draw on Washi and thought of it as the material to put my images on, but after learning about Mino Washi, I see the process of making paper, creating different texture, different design is the Art itself.
On the other hand, what has influenced my works until much later was the lantern festival, the idea of using Washi to play with lighting. To create a Mino Washi sculpture using light bulb has become the focus in my work until these days. In this process, both my host family Watanabe san and Haba san have really taught me so much in the process. After coming back to Vietnam from Mino, I continue to use Mino Washi years after that in my works and I see the endless possibility in the process.
Yana Poppe(The Netherlands)
In Mino ‘my’ family welcomed me as if I was their own daughter. The neighbors and the local people were very kind and easy to talk with. Within this friendly environment I had room to experiment with traditional Mino washi paper. The beauty and strength of the paper reflects the dedication and warmth of the people. I went to Mino again to develop my skills in making Mino washi paper. I feel grateful for having experienced this wonderful residency. We went on many trips and I have fond memories of going to the Karaoke Bar with my host father Makoto-san.
和紙をテーマにして研究滞在が出来たことは、他では味わえない興味深い内容であった。歴史を持った素材を追求していくことは伝統の重みやその喪失過程を引き受けることでもあり、それゆえ「素材」へのアプローチは自然と細部にこだわった工芸、あるいは素材本来の印象を反発させるための量感の追求となる。形骸化しやすい工芸的なアプローチに、新たな視点を見いだすためにアーティストが招聘されていたと思うが、自分がその役割を果たせていたかはいまだ疑問の残るところである。ホームステイというのは数ある滞在研究制作プログラムのなかでかなり珍しい形であったが、行き届いたもてなしの元、充実したスケジュールが組まれ、教育機関での授業、各種イベントへの参加など振り返ればい い思い出である。こうしたそれぞれの試みに将来性を感じさせる内容が隠されていたように今になれば思えるが、それは美濃という歴史と文化遺産を持つ土地からにじみ出るものなのかもしれない。